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Joseph Hart

Plumbing videos

Here is one of my favorite youtube channel about Plumbing that I wanted to share with you. There are a lot of tutorials here and also they have DIY instructions for plumbing. They upload weekly videos here.

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Pros and Cons of a Plumber

As we all know plumbing is a hard task, not everyone can do it. Being a plumber required dedication and a serious liking for the job. A Plumber’s job means a lot of physical activities. A Plumber needs to work with pipes and these pipes are mostly undergrund. A Plumber also has to have the skills to think and act fast and find out where the leaks or problems are in order to fix it. A Plumber spends a lot of time doing the fixing.

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Plumbing System

A plumber is the one who repairs or fix pipes and essential materials but what is a plumbing system? It simply means a system contained of connected pipes, fittings, valves equipments and accessories contained in pumbling.

There are three major types of plumbing system. We have sanitary drainage, stormwater drainage and potable water. All of these are benificial and can help us to further understand plumbling to make our city safe and healthy.

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How to be a Plumber

A plumber is the one who installs and repairs the pipes and fittings of water supply, sanitation, or heating systems or the essential repairs. They often operate alone and may usually travel both short and large distances for their work.

They also maintain plumbing fixtures like appliances that we use in our everyday lives or in our home such as bath tubs, toilets and dishwashers. They also install toilets, sinks, bathtubs, and other similar appliances. These are just some of the things we know but there are a lot more that the can do.

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